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Self-care is always important, and is feeling so much more important during this time of adjustment to life in the times of COVID-19, for those “home in the house and in the house bored”, and especially so for those with even more on their plate than anyone thought humanly possible. “You can’t drink from an empty cup” is too real right now, you can’t help others if you are running on empty. Self-care helps you reset your energy and provides you with balance, clarity of thought, and a clearer perspective. Self-care is a selfless act, not a selfish act. I can’t stress this enough, looking after yourself first helps you to better look after others! There are so many fantastic self-care ideas that can be done in the comfort of your own home. Unplug from social media, relax and unwind.


If you’re needing a mental break, keep reading because we are rounding up some of the best at-home self-care ideas that you can try:


1. Read a book

Almost everyone, whether you are an avid reader or not, has bought a book but never had the time to sit down and read it. Personally, I have a 4 foot high stack next to my night stand! Looking for comfort and familiarity? Why not re-reading one of your old favorite books! I’m finding comfort reading my teen year adventure books.


2. Create a Gratitude Journal

We lead such busy lives, take this pause to start a journal where you write down the things that you are grateful for. This exercise allows you to focus on the good things in life, which is so essential for our mindset, especially right now in the middle of a pandemic.


3. Have a Zoom Call with Family and Friends

You can easily use Zoom or Skype to stay connected with your family and friends. Schedule a group call and just hang out chatting with your favorite people. Keeping in contact with your people allows you to not feel so isolated when you are in self-isolation. Group activities such as trivia games, or even board games, work well!


4. Have a Paint or Craft Night

Pull some fun craft ideas from Pinterest, and get creating! You can have a paint night by watching YouTube painting tutorials or do a few fun craft projects that you come across on Pinterest. Unleashing your creativity and letting your mind go elsewhere is always a good idea when it comes to managing stress and mental health. Creativity unlocks so much more than what you create in the moment.


5. Watch a Feel-Good Movie or Television Show

Watch one of your favorite funny or heartwarming movies (no scary or tearful movies, your mind doesn’t need that right now!). Looking for a good sing-a-long with no violence, the original Mary Poppins wins every time…seriously! Found another movie without violence? Drop us a comment


6. Pamper Your Body

Pampering your body always makes your mind and soul feel better, too. You can use one of these DIY beauty recipes and have a stay at home spa night to take care of yourself. Using our quarantine compatible nail polish, lip gloss, or perfume kits is also an excellent way to pamper yourself creatively!


7. Learn a New Skill

Is there something that you’ve always wanted to learn how to do? Now is the time! There are so many online learning resources available, both live and recorded. Want to learn how to play your guitar? There are tons of YouTube tutorials on that! Want to learn more about social media, growing your business, or how to crochet? Whatever it is you’ve always wanted to learn, there is a way to learn it from the comfort of your home with the help from a live teacher or self-paced learning. Anyone else notice that the world turned to the arts in times of crises? It makes me happy to see how creatives are valued and essential to society.


8. Music

Put on some loud, upbeat music and just dance like nobody is watching! This not only keeps your body active, but it helps ease your mind and take your mind off the news. Tik Tok it if you really need to.


9. Get Organized

Need to organize your computer files? All the photos on your phone? Your important paperwork and home bills? Kon Mari the house! Get organizing! It will help you feel productive.


10. Deep Breathing Exercises

If you find yourself really stressed and overwhelmed, try learning some breathing exercises and techniques. These exercises are proven to help with anxiety and anxious thoughts. They will help you feel like you have better control over your emotions. Need more help overcoming anxiety? This course was initially developed by an airline pilot to help with fear of flying and provides useful tools for everyday living.


Final Thoughts

No matter what you do, or don't do, while at home more often than usual right now, is entirely up to you. The best advice we have is to make sure you are making self-care and your mental health a priority. Positive thoughts lead to positive attitudes and creative problem solving. Don't have everything in the recipe / tutorial / blog / Pinterest, no worries! Substitutes are encouraged, don't wait for perfect, perfect is a construct! Now is a time for adaptability, flexibility, and creativity.


Stay safe!




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